We never thought we would have to install child locks on every door in the house. We are even thinking about calling you Bam-Bam. You love to get out things that make noise. You are very good at reorganizing the house too. You like to move things from room to room. Your mother is thinking she has lost her mind because she can't seem to find anything. You also like to "help" by putting things in the trash. My favorite find was the new package of diaper wipes and lotion. I am not sure what other treasures have gone out with the trash so now mom has to check the trash before it gets taken out.
You are just like your mom and love shoes! The only problem is that your feet are so large that it is near impossible to find shoes to fit you. Sit down for this one--- but your mom even spent $45 dollars for shoes for you. She figured it would be your treat since you are a good walker these days and it is starting to get cold. She will be searching for "deals" for your next sizes. And for the record, she never gets $45 dollar shoes for herself.
We had a small celebration with a cupcake to honor your day. You enjoyed finger painting with the frosting and you required a shower before we could open your one gift. A book Amanda picked out for you. Your favorite party items were the balloons. What a joy this past year has been. Your smile is infectious and you are SO LOVABLE!