Friday, December 19, 2008

Maybe the snow is a good thing.

Well, I got so much done on the Internet today. Thanks to my good friend Amy, she gave a small tutoring session on the world of blogging. I was so un-thrilled with my blog website and how BORING it looked that I wasn't keeping up to date. Now, I can move photos (wow, am I technical or what?)

I did not get any housework done today, (Sorry, Ben) but I did design our Christmas card, updated my facebook profile, and purchased a dress for Amanda on eBay. Below is what I came up with.


**MIGNONNE** said...

You do have a blog! I am so glad to have found it. I love your card. They are both so adorable. We hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

Emily K. said...

So precious!! Where did you get Calvin's outfit? So cute! You have very picturesque children. I can't believe you got such good pictures of them. My kids are very bad at posing.

Mere and Matt said...

I didn't know you had a blog! No keeping secrets anymore. I found this through Mignonne's site. Calvin's in our Christmas montage on our blog. I can't wait to get your Christmas card. :)

Georgia said...

I found you! I found you ! I found you!!! Your babies are so dang cute!

Jessica F said...

I didnt know you had a blog!!!