Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Amanda's thoughts on creation...

So, my sweet little Amanda has great Primary teachers at church. She comes home from church and shares her thoughts about the lessons she learns. Today while out on a car ride she was talking about creation. It went something like this....

Amanda- Heavenly Father was really great at making the earth. He did such a good job making it.

Denise- Yes, Heavenly Father did do a great job, it must have been hard to create the whole earth.

Amanda- Yes, it probably was hard. Well, except for the sky.

Denise- Why is the sky was so easy to create?

Amanda- Mom, that's the easy part. It's just blue all over and sometimes a cloud or two. Clouds are easy and so is blue.

Denise- (Silence, because what could I really say)

Isn't four just WONDEFUL! Amanda is full of questions and the wonders of the world. I love to see the world through her eyes. I am so blessed to have a sweet girl that reminds me to slow down and have fun with the simple stuff.

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