Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What have we done, Calvin can walk now...

Thought I would share a quick video of Calvin at one year. Calvin wanted to walk from about really about 8 months. He had it mastered by 10 months. This was a big change from Amanda. She was a late walker, like about 14 months.

Little did we know, we should have delayed encouraging him to walk so early. Now he is faster than us all and is busy taking the house apart. I wish we were kidding about that but really, he can disassemble the house. He has managed to remove bead board, baseboards, and weatherstrips from the outside doors. I suppose we should be teaching him how to construct instead of destruct. I could use a new addition.


Mere and Matt said...

So cute! Was that around Thanksgiving? I wish we could have spent more time with you when we were up there. John's at full speed now, too, but he trips quite a bit. When can they hang out again??

Emily K. said...

He is so cute Denise!!! Boys are so hard to keep out of things. I remember when Rohne was that age, how destructive he could be. But, he still hasn't grown out of it. I try to take a nap now and then, when the kids are watching a movie, and I'm always afraid of what I will wake up to. Today it was a whole new package of Oreos opened, eaten, and dumped all over the floor, and an open Children's Motrin bottle, with empty contents. He swears he didn't drink any. I'm about to get padlocks for all the doors, and cupboards. Childproofing did never work for him. Too smart.